Tuesday, April 22, 2014

eBay Guide: How to Measure Handbags with Visual Aid for Better Listings

Shopping for handbags is tough! They are like an extension of ourselves and they have to be perfect. I don't know about you but when I shop for a handbag it's a LONG process of trying them on, checking out the pocket situation, and making sure all my junk will fit. 😊

Online buyers do not have the luxury of trying them on etc, so we as sellers have to provide every little detail so they can visualize it easily. Here's a quick and easy visual guide on the key measurements you will want to provide in your listings. I would also suggest always listing the number of pockets, what type of closures it has (i.e. zippers, snaps, etc), and including at least one photo with a mannequin for size reference.

A - Width - This is the measurement of the width of the item at the top.

B - Width - This is the measurement of the width of the item at the middle.

C - Width - This is the measurement of the width of the item at the bottom.

A - Strap length – Maximum measurement of a bags shoulder/handle length from end to end.

B - Shoulder/Handle/Accessory Strap Drop - Measurement of the strap(s), handle, or accessory strap(s) from top of the bag (at center) to the peak of the strap/handle.

Straps/Handle drops measuring less than 6 3/4” are typically carried in the hand or on the arm.

Straps/Handle drops measuring 7” – 20 ¾” are typically carried on the shoulder.

Strap drops measuring 20” or more are typically worn in a cross-body or messenger fashion.

C - Height - Measurement of how tall the bag stands from the bottom surface to the top of the bag (this does not include the top of the straps or handles).

Have a blessed day loves! †

JS 💋


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